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Making entertaining, feel good, fun movies is my goal in the industry. I love movie musicals and hope to direct and star in one someday. For the time being, here are short films I've created.

3am in College
Shot and Edited at 3am by Lauren Trippeer

You Can't Hurry Love
This project is truly a culmination of everything I learned this year at Chapman, and I am so proud of it. I had so much fun making it with some amazing girls, and I'm so excited to share it!

They Don't Teach This In School
Austin Butler, star of Elvis, visited Chapman, causing quite the commotion. I decided to document the all day process of trying to get a seat. Here's a trailer I shot and edited.
Austin Butler, star of Elvis, visited Chapman, causing quite the commotion. I decided to document the all day process of trying to get a seat. Here's a trailer I shot and edited.

Smell the Flowers
For my first Cinematography assignment at Chapman, I decided to try out a one-shot with my friend Alaina.

The Stretch
Created by Lauren Trippeer
Tia Muehr as herself
Tia Muehr as herself

Coachella Valley Coalition Against Human Trafficking
Created by Lauren Trippeer in partnership with the Barbara Sinatra Children's Center
Starring Diana Mateescu
Starring Diana Mateescu

Don't Let It Come to This
A short film created for the "Shade Sounds Good" Gala.
Director: Lauren Trippeer
Actors: Charlotte Trudeau & Josh Luu
Editors: Charlotte Trudeau, Charter Kirchhevel, & Lauren Trippeer
Audio Engineer: Bryce Agostini
Cinematography: Lauren Trippeer, Carter Kirchhevel, & Charlotte Trudeau
Director: Lauren Trippeer
Actors: Charlotte Trudeau & Josh Luu
Editors: Charlotte Trudeau, Charter Kirchhevel, & Lauren Trippeer
Audio Engineer: Bryce Agostini
Cinematography: Lauren Trippeer, Carter Kirchhevel, & Charlotte Trudeau

Free the Freshmen
A short film for the PDHS "Shade Sounds Good" Gala
Directors: Charlotte Trudeau & Carter Kirchhevel
Editors: Charlotte Trudeau, Carter Kirchhevel, & Lauren Trippeer
Audio: Bryce Agostini
Directors: Charlotte Trudeau & Carter Kirchhevel
Editors: Charlotte Trudeau, Carter Kirchhevel, & Lauren Trippeer
Audio: Bryce Agostini

Some Things Are Worth Fixing
Director & Producer: Lauren Trippeer
Diana Mateescu
Angela Jara
Nancy Brier-Trippeer
Writer, Cinematographer, & Editor: Lauren Trippeer
Diana Mateescu
Angela Jara
Nancy Brier-Trippeer
Writer, Cinematographer, & Editor: Lauren Trippeer

Ten Little Soldier Boys
This project was so fun. I got to play around with new editing tricks and create some cool costumes. I'm sure my parents really appreciated my rearranging the entire dining room and covering the slider and windows.

Sonnet 29
I love spending the day rearranging my room to make fun videos proving Shakespeare was a simp
Directed and Performed by Lauren Trippeer
Directed and Performed by Lauren Trippeer

An Ode to Match Cuts
For a Cinematography project, I wanted to learn how to successfully match cut. I spent lots of time researching before trying it out myself!
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